Remote viewing with Russell Targ, Physicist/Author and Co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute for Psychic Abilities for the CIA

Electronic Voice Phenomena with Tom & Lisa Butler - Authors and leaders of AA-EVP - experts in Electronic Voice Phenomena

Energy Healing with Barbara Brennan - Physicist/Author/Energy Worker

Mediumship with Tony Stockwell-Internationally known Pyschic Medium.

Mediumship with James van Praagh - Internationally known Medium/Author

Mediumship with Eamon Downey - Internationally known Medium from the UK

Kinesiology with Dian Freeman - Clinical Nutritionist /Ondamed Frequency Biofeedback

Puzzle Art Therapy with Alli Berman is an integrated holistic system‎.  Develop better focus, work on memory, and improve your ability to think outside the box.  

The Puzzle Art Therapy ‎System is now used by neuropsychologists, brain trauma professionals, vision therapists, occupational therapists, art therapists and other specialists in 13 countries.

Hypnotherapy with George Bein - Internationally known Hypnotherapist

Reiki 1-2-3 with Janet Howe - Reiki Master Teacher

Healing and Mediumship/working w/crystals with Akeeya - Nationally known Psychic Medium


Usi*Tibetan*Huna*Blue Doulphin*Kunalini*Kabbalah*Shaman Energy Activation *Shaman Power* Fusion*
Uhane nui*Kahuna*Aloha* Source-L